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Locum Doctors' Association (LDA)

The LDA is a registered trade union representing locum doctors. Our mission is to fight against discrimination & injustice. We believe in equal recognition for equal work. All doctors & dentists are potential locums.
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Locum Doctors' Association is a registered Trade Union under the The Trade Union and Labour relations Act (TULRA) 1992. It's a trade union of the locums, for the locums and by the locums.
Help us create a supportive locum community!
Click on the 'Join us today!' link on this page.


Become a member today to support us so that we can continue to help you and other locum doctors like yourself.
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✓ Revalidation ✓ Events ✓ Twitter ✓ Special offers
✓ Helpline ✓ Awareness ✓ Email Platform ✓ Membership
✓ Information ✓ Guidance ✓ WhatsApp Group ✓ Voting rights
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Current locum issues

10 Jul, 2024
The Locum Doctors’ Association’s Election 2024 Manifesto List
04 Jun, 2020
We will also be adding more content and some new features for you in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
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