
About us

What we do

The LDA is a registered Trade Union under the The Trade Union and Labour relations Act (TULRA) 1992. It is the only trade union in the world to represent hospital locum doctors. 
We are the only fully truly democratic trade union and listen to all our members.
All voices matter to us. It was founded in June 1997 by Shehnaz Somjee.


LDA's journey has spanned more than two decades now. Hospital locum doctors and other atypical doctors have suffered the most issues in the healthcare profession; largely through the neglect or overlooking of their issues by the rest of the profession, the NHS and eminent bodies. LDA had therefore inherited a minefield of problems. Every area needed addressing. However we can only do so much at a time. Below is a summary of some of our achievements. Since we only charge a small membership fee (and most members do not even pay us that without much hassle) it's a miracle that we have managed to achieve what we did. This is due to the hard work, dedication and the personal sacrifices of the officers and active members of LDA. We should all thank them for their relentless efforts and hard work in reforming the working lives of locums for the better.
  • Successful recognition of hospital locums as a distinct group in the profession.
  • Awareness of the needs and problems of hospital locums.
  • We have been successfully speaking up for locums, and standing up to smear campaigns against locums.
  • The Locums' Charter.
  • Induction pack for hospital locums and the need for induction.
  • Awareness of car parking problems in hospitals and the provision of parking tokens or permits with key on arrival.
  • A CV guidance for locums and other doctors.
  • Cancellation fee from locum agencies.
  • Abolition of the STA and curtailment of Royal College power in employment and postgraduate medical education.
  • Revalidation of locums. The folder is our idea.
  • The coining of the phrase "LOCUMISM". Creating awareness of this as a violation of Human Rights Law.
  • We flagged up locums' problems in the House of Lords.
  • Representation of locums for the very first time on important national bodies.
  • We gave evidence to CHI on an investigation of a locum doctor.
  • We participated in the SHO modernisation project by the DOH.
  • We were consulted and fed our views to the GMC on revalidation, racial equality, GMC reforms, changes to the fitness to practise procedures.
  • We have assisted several doctors with inquiries, hospital disputes and complaints. We have had a number of successful outcomes.
  • An advisory counselling helpline to support our members.
  • A comprehensive newsletter.
  • Meeting with the DOH to resolve revalidation and related issues.
  • Evidence given to the Bristol. Royal Infirmary Inquiry.
  • LDA is now a registered Trade Union (under the The Trade Union and Labour relations Act (TULRA) 1992.
  • A website, Facebook page & group, WhatsApp group, Twitter etc.


Meet the people behind LDA

The team who makes it all happen!
Most of us are volunteers on a mission to help our community of locums. We see big potential in every moment and care deeply about what we do every day. Our leadership team reflects a group of diverse individuals with wide breadth and depth of locum and substantive experience across healthcare specialties.

Miss Shehnaz Somjee

Chairperson & Founder

Dr Narender Seshadri

Honorary Secretary

Dr. Shashi Kiran

Deputy Secretary

Mr Anukul Goswami

Honorary Treasurer

Dr. Ahmed S. K. Masood

PR & R Secretary
(Public relations and recruitment)
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