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LDA Manifesto 2024

Jul 10, 2024

The Locum Doctors’ Association’s Election 2024 Manifesto List

The LDA is a Registered Trade Union of doctors. We represent all doctors but are the only representatives of locum doctors and doctors with atypical careers i.e. outside the NHS.

 It is late in the day but every vote counts. LDA members are all over the country. With adult children and other family members and social media supporters we have more than 20,000 votes to offer. We would like the party with our interests at heart to win.

 We have a list of changes we want to see happen. The conservatives have made working and ordinary lives of locum doctors very difficult. We want all that to change. We hope your party will commit to this.

 Below is a brief list of changes we want from the new government:

 1.   IR35 to be abolished.

2.   Revalidation and appraisal for locums to be free. Revalidation has become big business. NHS doctors get this all for free but locums are expected to pay thousands of pounds to appraisers and ROs. This is unreasonable.

3.   Retired doctors be offered licences without revalidation or free appraisals by appraisers trained to deal with the work pattern of these. PAs treat patients without revalidation but highly qualified and experienced retired doctors cannot touch a patient or do any medical professional work without revalidation. This is grossly unfair and denies the public of much that these doctors can offer.

4.   Medicine be restricted to medical doctors. This saves higher mortality, morbidity, work load and risks.

5.   Lift locum pay cap.

6.   Locums must get the same benefits as substantive doctors – annual leave, sick leave, maternity leave, study leave, CPD, pension, appraisals, Responsible officers, career progress, recognition of locum work by the Royal Colleges.

7.   The GMC needs reforms. Its charity status is a serious abuse and the reverse of charitable activities, and must be removed.

8.   Abolish the reference system. Open testimonials be used as in USA and elsewhere so that references are no longer used as blackmail tools.

9.   Blacklisting of doctors be stopped.

10. A review of the GMC and NHS fair conduct data towards locums and retired doctors willing to work.

11. Locums should be consulted on all policies and strategies affecting them. LDA is our only trade union. The BMA has serious conflicts of interests with locums.

 We would appreciate an urgent response from you and your Party whether you are willing to commit to these.

 Thanking you for your time.

Shehnaz Somjee


The Locum Doctors Association

Based at Melling, Merseyside L31



Locum doctors association @ facebook and twitter

04 Jun, 2020
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