There are three types of locum contracts : NHS, Trust and Agency. Each
has its pros and cons.
For training grade work an NHS contract currently pays far higher than agency rates. Under the new banding contract arrangements, NHS locum junior
doctors can backdate the pay increase to December 2000.
No. You can negotiate everything. Market forces apply so do not sell yourself short.
You can claim for the cancellation. The locum group pays £100 cancellation fees. There are small prints to consider.
No. It's an invitation to treat. If you agree you will be forwarded to the hospital. Should the hospital want to take you, the agency will make you the
final offer. If you accept it then there is a binding agreement.
Some legal advice and correspondence is available free. Anything further has to be funded by you. (A £40 subscription cannot buy expensive services, but we can point you in the direction of lawyers and bodies.)
Only a certain amount of advice and tips. Assistance can be arranged but at a cost you would have to pay.
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